There will be a nice landing someday...
WARNING: Ikura is in early alpha and not ready for production use. It has the following significant restrictions:
  • I drop database once a several days. It allows me iterate faster at this period. I'll make an explicit statement when database will retain it's state.
  • It can stop work anytime due an logic error. I will fix it when I have spare time.

What is Ikura?

Ikura is a tool for monitoring blockchain nodes and their RPC endpoints.

How would I benefit from using Ikura?

After setting up your own blockchain node it usually won't work for a long time without proper maintenance. Lack of peers, insufficient disk space, and other issues could disrupt a node.

Ikura notifies you if your node has stuck or got unresponsible.

You can also use public and/or private status pages for a set of nodes. It allows you or your colleagues to easily spot and resolve issues.

What about pricing?

At the moment Ikura project is in early alpha, so everything is free, but with no uptime guarantee.

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